Date of Birth:
Email Address:
Gender: Male or Female
Height & Weight:
Name of Employer: Hours per Week Worked:
Rate each of the following symptom to the best of your ability based upon your typical health profile over the last year. If you cannot answer a question, simply leave it blank.
0 = Never had the symptom 2 = Occasionally have it, severe effect 4 = Frequently have it, severe effect
1 = Occasionally have it, mild effect 3 = Frequently have it, mild effect
Over 100: Severely neurotoxic; this patient is positive for neurotoxicity and undoubtedly needs Cellular Detox and will need to complete many brain phases to detox.
50-99: Neurotoxic; this patient is positive for neurotoxicity and needs Cellular Detox to decrease symptoms and improve overall health.
Less than 49: less toxic; this patient should still do Cellular Detox to increase vitality due to the ubiquitous neurotoxins in our modern world.
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